Nightmare is an S-Class Mage of the Venom's Herald Dark Guild and a member of its team: the Nine Magic Knights.

Profile and Stats[]
Name: Nightmare
Origin: Fairy Tail
Classification: Demon, Dark Mage, S-Class Mage
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Voice Actor:
Power Ranking[]
- Class: SS-Class
- Attack Potency: At least Large Town level
- Speed: At least Hypersonic
- Lifting Strength: Class M
- Striking Strength: At least Class TJ
- Durability: Small City level
- Stamina: Demigod-like
- Range: Melee, Several Dozen Meters with Ranged Attacks
- Intelligence: Below Normal
True to his nickname, Nightmare appears as a dark figure covered in dark blue armor that covers most of his body. His prominent feature is his right arm, which has been twisted and transformed into a large three-digit claw whose flesh overlaps his entire right arm and shoulder. He is depicted with Soul Edge in his left hand, symbolizing his polarity with his current human host. Over the years, his appearance has progressively grown more and more demonic, as influenced by the state of Soul Edge himself.
Powers and Abilities[]
Teleportation Magic:
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant:
Immense Strength:
Immense Durability:
Enhanced Speed:
Immense Magic Power:
Soul Edge: A legendary sword crafted by Dark Magic Arts since ancient times in Ishgar. Originally a normal sword, it was reborn as a demon sword after being bathed in blood and hatred countless times during human wars, eventually turning the wielder of the sword itself into a demon.